Soccer Italian Style The Soccer Italian Style Story Soccer Italian Style Coaches Charity Partnership: Soccer Italian Style, Onside Soccer & Onside Soccer Mentorship Program Soccer Italian Style Camps: U9-15 Italian Style Soccer Camps Philosophy & Work Methodology Outline of Training Week Session Structure Practice Format WEEK 1
Day 01: Running with the Ball 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1 2. Technical: Close Control with Shooting Accuracy 3. Coordination: Coordination Relay 4. Game Situation: 1v1 v Defender + 1v1 v Goalkeeper 5. Game with a Theme: ‘4 Goals’ 4v4 Small Sided Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2 2. Technical: Ball Control - Moves / Feints 3. Coordination: 1v1 Duel - Feints and Dribbling 4. Game Situation: 1v1 Duel - Feints, Dribbling and Change of Direction 5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 with 6 Dribble Gates in a SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 03: Passing and Receiving 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3 2. Technical: Pass, Move & Receive in a Square 3. Coordination: Skip, Pass, Receive, Dribble & Run 4. Game Situation: Passing and Receiving in a 2v1 Duel 5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 End to End Possession Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 04: Shooting 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4 2. Technical: One-Two Combination and Shot 3. Coordination: Shooting Game with a Coordination Circuit 4. Game Situation: Strength, 1v1 Duels and Finishing 5. Game with a Theme: 1v1 Marking in a 4v4 SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 05: Heading 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5 2. Technical: Heading Accuracy ‘Aim for a Corner’ 3. Coordination: Jump, Run, Change of Direction and Headed Pass 4. Game Situation: Throw-ins, Heading, 1v1s and Finishing 5. Game with a Theme: 6v6 Headers Game with 6 Outside Players 6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch
Day 01: Running with the Ball 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1 2. Technical: Ball Control Exercises 3. Coordination: Speed & Agility Training with 1v1 Duels 4. Game Situation: Frontal and Back Marking 5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 ‘Rugby Rules’ SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2 2. Technical: Changing Direction Team Shooting Game 3. Coordination: Coordination Relay 4. Game Situation: Frontal 1v1 Duel with Coloured Goals 5. Game with a Theme: Man to Man Marking in a 5v5 SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 03: Passing and Receiving 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3 2. Technical: Quick Passing and 1-2 Combinations 3. Coordination: Coordination and Passing Relay 4. Game Situation: Creating a Numerical Advantage (1v1 > 2v1) 5. Game with a Theme: Two Small Sided Games -Rugby / 4 Goals Match 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 04: Shooting 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4 2. Technical: Ball Control & Shooting with 4 Goals 3. Coordination: One-Two and Shoot / 20 Yard Sprints 4. Game Situation: 3v2 First Time Shooting Practice 5. Game with a Theme: 2v2 Zones in a 4v4 SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 05: Heading 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5 2. Technical: Heading in Pairs 3. Coordination: Jump, Criss-Cross and Heading 4. Game Situation: 1v1 Heading in the Penalty Area 5. Game with a Theme: Heading with Target Players SSG 6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch WEEK 3
Day 01: Running with the Ball 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1 2. Technical: Dribbling with Different Obstacles 3. Coordination: Ball Control and Coordination Relay 4. Game Situation: Dribble, Turn & Shoot - ‘The 1v1 Duel’ 5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 (+GK) Attacking Combinations & Incisive Dribbling in and Around the Penalty Area 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2 2. Technical: Running with the Ball, Feints and Shooting 3. Coordination: 1v1 RWTB Race - ‘Quickest Player Shoots’ 4. Game Situation: 1v1 Back to Goal Duel with Goalkeepers 5. Game with a Theme: Transition Play / Collective Reactions in a SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 03: Passing and Receiving 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3 2. Technical: Passing Practice for the Right Time of Play 3. Coordination: Ball Control, Agility, Passing and Receiving with Shooting 4. Game Situation: Back to Goal 2v1 Dynamic Practice 5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 Passing Gate Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 04: Shooting 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4 2. Technical: Volleying Accuracy - ‘Aim for a Corner’ 3. Coordination: Dribble, Shoot, Roll and Save 4. Game Situation: 1v1 Dribbling and Shooting Duel 5. Game with a Theme: Shooting Accuracy in a 6v6 SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 05: Receiving in the Air & Finishing 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5 2. Technical: Heading Accuracy ‘Against the Crossbar’ 3. Coordination: Roll, Run, Volley Pass and Sprint 4. Game Situation: Receiving a Long pass & Shielding the Ball 5. Game with a Theme: Quick Possession and Transition Play to the Striker 6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch | WEEK 4
Day 01: Running with the Ball 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1 2. Technical: Receiving, Turning and Dribbling with the Back to Goal 3. Coordination: Dribbling Race with Turning and Shooting 4. Game Situation: Dribbling Team Game with Numbers 5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 with ‘Scoring Zones’ in a SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2 2. Technical: Feints, Changes of Direction & Accurate Shot 3. Coordination: Dribbling Coordination and 1v2 Duel 4. Game Situation: 1v1 Play with Feints / Moves to Beat 5. Game with a Theme: Collective Tactical Movement in a SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 03: Passing and Receiving 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3 2. Technical: Passing, Receiving and 1v1 Play 3. Coordination: ‘Psycho-Kinetics’ Passing in Pairs 4. Game Situation: Passing Combinations with a 3v2 Advantage 5. Game with a Theme: 4v4v4 Dynamic 3 Zone Possession Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 04: Shooting 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4 2. Technical: Ball Control, Dribbling & Shooting Circuits 3. Coordination: Speed & Agility Shooting Competition 4. Game Situation: 2v2 with 4 Goals: 10 Ball Competition in a SSG 5. Game with a Theme: 3v3 Quick Combinations and Finishing in the Box 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 05: Receiving in the Air & Finishing 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5 2. Technical: Heading Accuracy - ‘Aim for the Ring’ 3. Coordination: Roll, Receive and Shoot 4. Game Situation: Passing and Receiving with Good Communication 5. Game with a Theme: Heading with Target Players SSG (2) 6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch WEEK 5
Day 01: Running with the Ball 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1 2. Technical: Quick Reactions Man Marking Dribbling Game 3. Coordination: Quick Reactions Colours Game 4. Game Situation: Dribbling and Turning - ‘1v1 Pursuit’ 5. Game with a Theme: Dribbling and RWTB in a SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2 2. Technical: Dribbling with Feints / Moves to Beat 3. Coordination: Motor Aerobic Exercise - ‘Fantasy Track’ 4. Game Situation: 1v1 Situations 5. Game with a Theme: 5v5 ‘Nutmeg’ Possession Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 03: Passing and Receiving 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3 2. Technical: Diagonal Passing Square 3. Coordination: Coordination, Agility and Balance Exercise 4. Game Situation: 2v2 (+2) Game / Double 2v2 Game 5. Game with a Theme: 6v3 Speed of Play Dynamic Possession Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 04: Shooting 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4 2. Technical: Feints / Quick Movements and Shot 3. Coordination: Roll, Dribble and Shoot with a Goalkeeper 4. Game Situation: Move, Receive and Score in a 1v1 Duel 5. Game with a Theme: Shooting Practice in a 7v7 Possession Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 05: Passing & Receiving in the Air 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5 2. Technical: Accurate Aerial Passing in Pairs 3. Coordination: Quick Reactions & Speed of Play in a 2v1 Duel Game 4. Game Situation: 2v1 on the Flanks with Accurate Crossing 5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 with Long Accurate Passing 6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch
Day 01: Running with the Ball 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 1 2. Technical: Close Control and Turning with Shot 3. Coordination: Jump, Dribble and Shoot - ‘Who’s the Fastest?’ 4. Game Situation: Quick Reactions Dribbling Game 5. Game with a Theme: 4v4 Rugby Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 02: Feints / Moves to Beat 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 2 2. Technical: Ball Control, Feints & Dribbling ‘Star’ 3. Coordination: Dribbling at Speed with ‘Nutmeg’ 4. Game Situation: Quick Reactions and Finishing in a 1v2 Frontal Marking Duel 5. Game with a Theme: Man Marking 6 Goal Dribbling Game 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 03: Passing and Receiving 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 3 2. Technical: Passing and Receiving Square 3. Coordination: Hurdle Agility Training & Volley Passes 4. Game Situation: 4v2 Possession - Passing, Receiving & Speed of Play 5. Game with a Theme: Long Passing, Crossing & Finishing in a 7 Zone SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 04: Shooting 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 4 2. Technical: Accurate Volleys & Quick Reactions Exercise 3. Coordination: Sprint, Change Direction and Shooting Race 4. Game Situation: 1v1 Frontal Duel with 3 Goals15 5. Game with a Theme: Speed of Play and Shooting SSG 6. 5v5 Small Sided Games
Day 05: Passing & Receiving in the Air 1. Warm Up: Technical Block 5 2. Technical: 2v2 Football Tennis Tournament 3. Coordination: Sprinting & Agility with Crossing & Heading 4. Game Situation: Applying Quick Pressure in a 3 Zone Game 5. Game with a Theme: 3v3 Attacking / Defending Crosses 6. 11v11 Matches on a Full Pitch |